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Historical Overview of the CAP and demonstrations

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Subido el 14 de septiembre de 2007 por Educamadrid P.

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Agriculture sat high on the agenda of European policymakers, especially at the time when the Treaty of Rome was being negotiated. The memory of post-war food shortages was still vivid and thus agriculture constituted a key element from the outset of the European Community. The Treaty of Rome defined the general objectives of a common agricultural policy. The principles of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) were set out at the Stresa Conference in July 1958. In 1960, the CAP mechanisms were adopted by the six founding Member States and two years later, in 1962, the CAP came into force.

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The European Union
Subido por:
Educamadrid P.
Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
14 de septiembre de 2007 - 11:00
Enlace Relacionado:
European Commission
07′ 21″
Relación de aspecto:
4:3 Hasta 2009 fue el estándar utilizado en la televisión PAL; muchas pantallas de ordenador y televisores usan este estándar, erróneamente llamado cuadrado, cuando en la realidad es rectangular o wide.
448x336 píxeles
64.80 MBytes

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EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid